By the pen we may understand all the fine arts, literature, painting, music, philosophy, all the peaceful arts which men have pride in. By the sword, we are to understand the art of war, the work that is done by soldiers and military leaders. We are asked to compare the two and say which is better. Is such a comparation possible? It is certainly difficult, since the two do not work in competition with each other.
The work of great writers and philosophers is to elevate men, the fine art raise the standard of civilization, bring in finer ideals and nobler culture. Men like Shakespeare, Shelly, Dante, Goethe, and Iqbal are the pride of their countrymen. They are shinning lights in the history of people. But one may ask, could these men have saved their nations in the time of war? Are they greater than Nelson, the Duke of Wellington, Napoleon, and General Alexander?. Thus we have the argument that military arms are more of importance then fine arts since without the former, a nation may be destroyed by the forces of might and barbarism.

It may be admitted that a great philosopher like Kant or a great physician like Lister could not resist aggression. The notable example which appears an exception is Muhammad Ali Jinnah the first president of Pakistan for all with admit that he did more to secure the independence of India than any me of military skill. But he such in outstanding exception that the advocates of military supremacy will insist that he is a great, indeed the only exception, to the role. Are we to say that because he beat Napoleon, Wellington is mightier than Shakespeare?
The answer must be that we are trying to compare two classes which are not actually in competition with each other. They are complementary to each other, a nation without great artist would be a race of barbarians, and a nation without military defence would be destroyed inspite of many achievements of art and philosophy. We do not ask weather food is better than drink, both are vital and indispensable in the life of man. In the same way, the pen and the sword are two indispensable branches in the equipment of a nation, and comparison between them does not arise.   

Before going on our discussion about this chapter, best of us to understand firstly the sentences on the chapter, A pen (Latin: penna, feather) is a writing implement used to apply ink to a surface, usually paper, for writing or drawing,[1] a long thin object used for writing or drawing with ink.[2] By this sentence we understand how the pen is important for us, because many benefits from the pen, by the pen we may understand all the fine arts, literature[3], painting, music, philosophy, all the peaceful arts are collected in. secondly, we find the mean of the Sword, Sword is A sword is a bladed weapon (edged weapon) used primarily for cutting or thrusting,[4] a weapon with a long sharp metal blade and a handle, used especially in the past.[5] By the sentences we find the mean of the sword, the sword is one of the weapon, by the sword we may understand the art of war, also by it we may know what was done by the military leaders, and soldiers. Now, we have to compare them (pen and sword) to know which is better. Seems, it’s certainly difficulty to compare them and choose both of them better, since the two do not work in competition with each other.
The pen is usually linked with writing. It helps the writer to record his thoughts on paper. Sword is a weapon used forcefully against someone. A sword can be wielded well only by those who are physically fit. But words can flow from the pen of even a feeble man. If he is a good writer, he can use the words to their desired effect. Many great writers had inspired revolutions. The French revolution for example was the result of the writings of great French writers like Rousseau. Writings can evoke different emotions as love, hatred, sympathy etc. It is something that is to be regarded with awe and respect. Hence pen is a mightier device than the sword.[6] But the sword on the other hand, stands for force. It forces views on others. If they do not accept those views they must be challenged. The sword, therefore, implies force, not reason.
The work of great writers and philosophers is to elevate[7] men. The fine arts improved the standard of civilization, by the arts bringing the ideals of the finer and nobler culture. Men like Shakespeare,[8] Shelly,[9] Dante,[10] Goethe, and Iqbal[11] are the pride of their countrymen. By the arts (pen) they shinning lights in the history of a people. Shinning lights of people means, because with a pen a lot of things we can get, we write science of pen will cause a scholarly that can illuminate human life and combat ignorance. However, whether they are with his pen to maintain order in the country's war? The one question that will distinguish between a pen with the sword. Are they greater than Nelson[12], the Duke of Wellington, Napoleon[13] and General Alexander?. With the explanation above, most people taking unilateral conclusion, that the position of a soldier is more meaningful than the pen, since without them a nation may be destroyed by the forces of might and barbarism.
Then if the unilateral conclusion that, it must be recognized as a great philosopher Kant and physician like Lister has no say in the fight against aggression. Examples which we can have to recollect in this issue is an example that emerged from the first president of Pakistan Muhammad Ali Jinnah he prefers to secure and protect their independence the India of the military who have good skills. but he will do great things than those of the military who should keep the country well, then it is done by him, whether a military greater than a president who preserve and protect the independence of India? whether Napoleon, wellington was greater than Shakespeare?.
To answer the above two statements, then we will try to merge or combine the two, without the presence of an artist's state, the state will only become race filled with barbarism, and the absence of a military state, then the state will be destroyed despite the many achievements and accomplishments obtained of art and philosophy, we do not say ask weather food is better than drink, and both vital indispensable branches in the equipment of a nation, then between them there is no better, has particularly similarities in the two different uses.

·         A pen (Latin: penna, feather) is a writing implement used to apply ink to a surface, usually paper, for writing or drawing, a long thin object used for writing or drawing with ink.
·         by the pen we may understand all the fine arts, literature, painting, music, philosophy, all the peaceful arts are collected in.
·         Sword is A sword is a bladed weapon (edged weapon) used primarily for cutting or thrusting.
·         by the sword we may understand the art of war, also by it we may know what was done by the military leaders, and soldiers.
·         the state will only become race filled with barbarism, and the absence of a military state, then the state will be destroyed despite the many achievements and accomplishments obtained of art and philosophy, we do not say ask weather food is better than drink, and both vital indispensable branches in the equipment of a nation, then between them there is no better, has particularly similarities in the two different uses.

Literature                     : written artistic works, especially those with a high and lasting artistic value
Compare                      : to examine or look for the difference between two or more things
Elevate                        : to make someone or something more important or to improve something
Civilization                  : human society with its well developed social organizations, or the culture and way of life of a society or country at a particular period in time
Culture                        : The way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs, of a particular group of people at a particular time
Barbarism                    : extremely cruel and unpleasant behaviour
Resist                           : to fight against something or someone that is attacking you
Aggression                  : spoken or physical behaviour which is threatening or involves harm to someone or something
Independence              : freedom from being governed or ruled by another country
Exception                    : someone or something that is not included in a rule, group or list or that does not behave in the expected way

Achievements              : something very good and difficult that you have succeeded in doing

[2] Cambridge Advanced Learner’s  Dictionary, Third Edition, Electronic Dictionary.
[3] written artistic works, especially those with a high and lasting artistic value
[5] Cambridge Advanced Learner’s  Dictionary, Third Edition, Electronic Dictionary.
[7] to make someone or something more important or to improve something
[8] William Shakespeare was baptized on April 26, 1564, in Stratford-upon-Avon, England. From roughly 1594 onward he was an important member of the Lord Chamberlain’s Men company of theatrical players. Written records give little indication of the way in which Shakespeare’s professional life molded his artistry. All that can be deduced is that over the course of 20 years, Shakespeare wrote plays that capture the complete range of human emotion and conflict.
[9] Mary Shelley was born on August 30, 1797, in London, England. She married poet Percy Bysshe Shelley in 1816. Two years later, she published her most famous novel, Frankenstein. She wrote several other books, including Valperga (1823), The Last Man (1826), the autobiographical Lodore (1835) and the posthumously published Mathilde. Shelley died of brain cancer on February 1, 1851, in London, England.
[10] Dante was an Italian poet and moral philosopher best known for the epic poem The Divine Comedy, which comprises sections representing the three tiers of the Christian afterlife: purgatory, heaven, and hell. This poem, a great work of medieval literature and considered the greatest work of literature composed in Italian, is a philosophical Christian vision of mankind’s eternal fate. Dante is seen as the father of modern Italian, and his works have flourished since before his 1321 death.
[11] Sir Muhammad Iqbal (Urdu: محمد اقبال) (November 9, 1877 – April 21, 1938), also known as Allama Iqbal (علامہ اقبال), was a philosopher, poet and politician
[12] Horatio Nelson was born at Burnham Thorpe, England on September 29, 1758, to Reverend Edmund Nelson and Catherine Nelson. He was the sixth of eleven children. Nelson was also one of the most loved leaders amongst the seamen of the Royal Navy and fought side by side with his crews during many of the battles.
[13] Military general and first emperor of France, Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769, in Ajaccio, Corsica, France. One of the most celebrated leaders in the history of the West, he revolutionized military organization and training, sponsored Napoleonic Code, reorganized education and established the long-lived Concordat with the papacy. He died on May 5, 1821, on the island of St. Helena in the South Atlantic Ocean.


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